The Refuge

About The Refuge
For 36 years The Refuge has provided a safe, caring, and therapeutic environment to assist in the recovery of survivors of domestic violence, rape, sexual assault, and stalking. Its goal is to facilitate healing and to advocate for victims with the intent to decrease the incidence of such violence in the community.
Services You Need
When YOU Need Them
Domestic Violence
- 24/7 Hotline
- Safe House and Emergency Shelter
- Confidential Community Advocatee
- Aftercare Services
- Victim Support Class
Sexual Assault
- 24/7 Hotline
- Hospital Response Advocates
- Follow-Up Services
- Group and Individual Therapy
- Victim Support Class
Housing Program
- 8 Transitional Housing Units
- Financial Assistance for Rent and Other Housing Needs
- Follow-Up Case Management
- Victim Advocacy
Community Outreach
- Healthy Relationship Presentations for School and Businesses
- Awareness Presentations
- Volunteer Program
Domestic Violence Shelter
(Confidential Location)
P.O. BOX 1075
Provo, UT 84603
Sexual Assault Services Office
1433 East 840 North
Orem, UT 84097
Get Directions
Rural Outreach Office
The Refuge Programs
Basic Shelter Services
- A safe place for survivors of domestic violence and their children to find food, shelter and support for up to 30 days
- Case management services to domestic violence survivors including assistance and referrals for housing, legal services, safety planning and employment
- Weekly Domestic Violence Education Group
- Weekly Domestic Violence Therapy Group
- Individual Domestic Violence Therapy
Children’s Program
- Case management for children of domestic violence victims staying at the shelter
- Structured activities and safety planning for children
- Parenting Classes
- Children’s Recreational Therapy Groups
Domestic Violence Outreach Services
- Individual Domestic Violence Therapy for former shelter residents
- Community Domestic Violence Education Group–Wednesdays at 6:00 pm at the outreach office. Cick Here for Directions
After Care Program
One year of continued support for victims who have left the shelter including home visits, support and therapy group options and access to food, clothing, home items.
Transitional Housing
On site apartment living for domestic violence victims for 6-18 months as they transition to independent living.
Sexual Assault Services
- 24 hour crisis counseling and support to victims of rape and sexual assault
- Knowledgeable and compassionate advocates assist victims at the hospital or police station
- Crisis counselors can be reached 24 hours a day to answer question and provide information to victims about emotional/psychological issues related to sexual assault
- Weekly sexual assault education group for victims and/or their loved ones. Wednesdays at 6 pm at the outreach office. Click Here for Directions
- Therapy support group for sexual assault victims
Prevention Education Program
- Educational presentations to junior high and high school classes
- Educational presentations to colleges, community and professional groups
- Presentations are on topics of domestic violence and sexual assault such as Cycle of Violence, Impact of Domestic Violence on Children, Unhealthy vs. Healthy Relationships
Rural Domestic Violence Program
- Domestic Violence education and direct services to help serve victims in isolated, rural areas of Utah and Juab counties
- Weekly educational/therapy groups for domestic violence victims and significant others in Utah and Juab counties
Click here for more information on resources available in Juab and Sanpete Counties.
Our Commitment
The Refuge is the only program of its type serving Juab and Utah counties for domestic violence and Juab, Utah, and Wasatch counties for sexual assault. It provides services to women and men who have been either assaulted or feeling abuse. When hope and healing are needed – The Refuge will be there.
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It’s time to
Get Your Life Back
The Refuge offers domestic violence, sexual assault, and housing support services.
Get safe. Get help. Get hope.
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Get 24/7 Domestic Violence Help Now
*All Calls are Private and Confidential
Get 24/7 Sexual Assault Help Now
*All Calls are Private and Confidential