Abuse is never acceptable.
Services You Need - When You Need Them
- 24/7 Hotline
- Safe House and Emergency Shelter
- Confidential Community Advocate
- Aftercare Services
- Victim Support Class
- 24/7 Hotline
- Hospital Response Advocates
- Follow-Up Services
- Group and Individual Therapy
- Victim Support Class
Housing Program
- 8 Transitional Housing Units
- Financial Assistance for Rent and Other Housing Needs
- Follow-Up Case Management
- Victim Advocacy
- Healthy Relationship Presentations for School and Businesses
- Awareness Presentations
- Volunteer Program
Recovery Success Stories
"Not only did she take my call in the middle of the night, when I didn't know what to do or where to go, but then they spent the next five hours attending to my every need at my exam at the Utah Valley ER, they were great even to come out during a pandemic. Your caring hands to hold and comforting smiles helped me more than you will ever know. I felt like I was not fighting this battle alone. "

"My nurse was great and explained everything, it was like everyone knew just what to do to calm my fears. Thank you for all you do to keep us all safe. I hadn’t even thought about the need for STD medications and all that I might need to keep my body ok after my rape. I left the ER in less trauma and feeling so cared for by the group, even the officer was kind. At the end of the day, I survived. And I’m going to continue to survive."

"The packet that was given to me helped me know some of the next steps. I was so appreciative to get a call from you that next week to answer all my questions, and to help me understand the options that I have next. The classes on Wednesday nights have been helpful for me being able to connect with other people who are going through something similar and being offered some hope and encouragement."

"Thanks again for getting me on the list for therapy and for doing the paperwork to have my exam paid for. I really just wanted to say thanks and that it has made a difference to me. Someday I would like to help and advocate for others like you all advocated for me. I really do want to be on your team of heroes."

Get Safe. Get Help.
Get Hope.
The Refuge offers domestic violence, sexual assault, and housing support services.
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Get 24/7 Domestic Violence Help Now
*All Calls are Private and Confidential
Get 24/7 Sexual Assault Help Now
*All Calls are Private and Confidential